Volunteer Hub

Scout Adult Volunteer - with Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers (from 6- to 18)

Organisation Details

465th Manchester (Ardwick) Scout Group-NORTH MANCHESTER SCOUTS

Activity type: Art and Design, Children, Community Work, Culture, Education, Environment and Gardening, First Aid, International , Youth Work and Young People
Stellify Award: This opportunity is part of 'Make a Difference'
Description of role: What we do each week is run an 90 minute programme of games and activities, helping children and young people learn skills and "great stuff" that makes them happy and we hope, build confidence and team skills that will all be useful in life
We would love to have more volunteers as having more hands and eyes in the rooms makes a massive difference to how successful and evening can be.

Its fun for us as volunteers too.
If you have a skill or skills - music - technology - football or sports, cooking, modelling, anything really we can happily incorporate that in to future sessions towards badges too.

Don;t think you don't know enough - willing to be present is enough as a first step - then get comfortable and then we can integrate you into planning or activities at a speed of your choice.

Hope you will consider Scouting a great opportunity during your spare time at Uni - it can be so much more than the 90 mins of volunteer time each. it could be friendship groups , activities and skills you may want to learn for yourself too.
Skills / qualities associated with the role: Creative Skills, Leadership, Practical Skills, Team Working
Are volunteer expenses available?: Yes
Duration of role: Ongoing / Long term
Opportunity times: Tuesday Evening, Thursday Evening
DBS required: On
Can reasonable adjustments be made regarding additional needs?: Yes
Is this organisation part of the Sports Volunteering Scheme (SVS)?: No
Minimum hours commitment: 2 hours per week - Either Tuesday or Thursday evenings and maybe some weekends if camping or trips
The Salvation Army Community Hub, 71 Grosvenor Street, Ardwick
M13 9UB